after teble extraction and send through gmail data send but header can not shown any one having solution plz let me explain once
thank in advance
After Extracting data, Are u convert it to excel?
no actually required to direct send the table without converting
si rplz reply me if you have a solution (20.8 KB)
Try this and let me know.
If possible Can u show me how would u like to send mail?
Use table extraction into DT then it can be converted to html table using the above code
@Shubham_Bidwai Did u try this?
no i didnt understand bcos i dont have excel also
excel mai convert krke kr deta tha na
sir can u help me for
writing the subject in mail like ( timesheet undate of 20/12/22) that
for that i am assign and use date time variable but only show current date and time but i want text also so plz send me the format
plz send me this format
U r using Use Gmail ACtivity…Inside pls use “Send Email” in the body section click HTML and click “Open Editor” then Click Add “data value” top right corner. Then Click Map Data value then select Table and pass DT variable to it, then Click ok.
Again click Add “Data Value” Then choose “Table”. It will work. Thanks
“Timesheet Update of”+Now.Tostring("MM/dd/yyyy)
@Shubham_Bidwai It’s working?
not working
mail did not send