Advanced training level 1 assignment

hi guys,

I am facing an issue while completing the assignmet…

if I hover to see the error message…in_config not declared or its not accessible

Hey @phyogananda

Use Config and not in_Config

Hope it works for you.


@Rishabh_Lakhera thank you… its working

I am confused with workflow, ’

Open the Main workflow and expand the Init state by double clicking it. o
On the Entry region, locate where the KillAllProcesses workflow is invoked. o Add a new sequence after the Invoke KillAllProcesses activity to read the input transactions data table. o

Inside this sequence, invoke four of the previously created workflows, as follows
: :black_small_square: System1 Login
:black_small_square: System1 Navigate to Work Item
:black_small_square: System1 Extract Work Item Data Table
:black_small_square: System1 Close

after this they have given below steps: my doubt is do we need to put the assign activity in sequence or outside the sequence.

if I use assign activity I am not able to access datable from workitems flow

Import and bind arguments where necessary. o
From the list of work items, extract only the items needed in the current process - those of the WI5 type, with the status set to “Open”.
:black_small_square: Use the DataTable.Select method to filter out the elements that do not match the criteria above. Assign the result to a new variable
. :black_small_square: This is what the Assign activity should look like:

can you please let me know correct procedure…

Please refer to these screenshots

This is what my Extract Workitems looks like , above this is data scraping sequence followed by this -

Arguments should be -

Instead of filtering the data outside the workflow, i’ve done it inside and then passed the result as arguments.

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Hi Rishabh

in the above screenshot ur assigning extracted table to WIList…
i.e, WIList =…)

for me it showing error as cannot convert "1-Dimensional Array to…datarow "

I have declared WI_datatble as “” type
and WIList as “”

can u help in this

WIList should be an Array of DataRow , you must have used DataRow!