Hi @ovi Can you please help here. Not sure what went wrong, code works for me in local, checked for the error mentioned in the post like having spaces before hash generation nothing as such. Unable to figure what is going wrong.
After you run your wf and submit, did you check in Work Items page in ACME for the items’ statuses to be Completed? Can you share a screenshot of the response in Academy after evaluation?
“Completed Items: 0” - this either means that the items have not been processed(in Acme the status is not Completed) or that you have Reset test data after submitting the file in Academy and before receiving the Evaluation score and status. In order for the Completed items to be =! 0, they have to appear in ACME as Completed.
I had the same issue. Solution is to relook into the information getting updated in UpdateWorkItem . Hash Value generated was wrong when my results were 0 completed
In order to retrieve work items you need to Reset test data(from User options).
Please try to follow these steps:
Reset test data → check if you have any work items → run your wf → check if Staus is Completed in Work items → submit → Wait for evaluation.
I am facing the same problems.
The instructors comment is - Total Items: 12 Completed Items: 12 Correct Items: 0
I have run the main workflow locally.
All items are marked as complete with the security hash in comment.
The security hash is generated correctly (For example string AD88069-CraigTober-France gives me hash 03f776b776e49999537ec91444a6d0d408ae6ae0)
The work items are not reset after completion.
I have used the same email for academy and acme registration.
I also checked some items manually and the hash values are correct.
It would be useful if the instructor comment would provide at least a hint on what is wrong.
As per the information you shared. You are missing a space between the First Name and Last Name. Hence, effectively you are generating the wrong hash code. So the sting to be supplied for HashCode generation is “AD88069-Craig Tober-France” without the double quotes.