Advance Training Assignment 2 - Instructor Comments


I have submitted my assignment 2 of advanced training and received the below response under **Instructor Comments : ** “Total Items: 15 Completed Items: 3 Correct Items: 3”

Can anyone help me understand what does this mean?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Welcome to our uipath community.

I don’t know you are talking about which assignment whether it is Client Security Hash or Generate Yearly Report.

There are total 15 items found for required criteria. Out of those it’s completed 3 items only and also it’s correct items only.

Have you processed remaining 12 items before or what ?

Hi @lakshman,

I am talking about the assignment Generate Yearly Report.
And I just want to know are those 15 items are the queue items which needs to be processed by the performer process?

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If you are using two different processes Dispatcher and Performer and using Orchestrator Queue’s then answer is Yes.

Perfomer process will take one by one item from Queue and will process it.

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