Add the data to the excel file from tranactions

Hello All,
i am having an excel file and i am adding 2 of the columns value to the Queue. This excel file has some 20 columnss.
I need the solution for one of the challange i am facing.
1.I have added the data to Queue.
2.used state machine
3. able to get the transaction
4. after getting the transactions one by one i process it- it goes to process xaml, here it has to fetch the data for other all columns. and put it to the existing data tabel/excel.

Well in the state machine i am not able to do it. every time its opening the excel…
Can anyone please help me.


Thank you

The State Machine you refer to, is this using the RE Framework?
In that case, where is the For Each block placed? Are you doing this during the “Intitialize” state or “Get Transaction Data” state?


i have not used RE, but i have created my own customized frame work
1st adding the rows to the - AddQueue item with out - state machine as below


now comes the state machine


in the process xaml i have written code as below

OneDT.Rows(1).Item(“Weight”) = abc