Add Queue Item: InHouse_Process4 does not exist. Error code: 1002

I think we dont need this to be checked as only when the in_config argument is passed correctly we will be getting the output in writeline activity with the string value…so that is fine
Alright…now its all about the orchestrator connected to the machine
–Check whether the machine connected to the orchestrator is correct, make sure you are trying to execute the workflow in a machine and that machine is only connected to the orchestrator, the machine name must be same in both the orchestrator and in your machine
–to find the machine name in your system, go to start->robot
click the UiPath robot a small pop up window will be coming, click on the wheel option (setting) and check the name…this name must be there in your orchestrator…
else update the machine name in the robot tab in orchestrator
kindly share the screenshot of the machine name in your system and in orchestrator buddy @ashoka187
This must be the problem i hope
Kindly try this and let know buddy
Cheers @ashoka187