Add NEW key and value to JOBJECT

Hi Newbie here,

How to add new pair of key and value to JOBJECT?
for example I have a JOBJECT

jobjectVar =
“Name”: “Nayeon”,
“Age”: 24

I would like to add new key and value the output must be like this.
jobjectVar =
“Name”: “Nayeon”,
“Age”: 24,
“Idol”: True

Hi @Ryan_Christian_Buan

Use deserialize json activity and check it


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Hi @ashwinsrini88

Yes initially, I will read a text file that gives me string and then deserialize to jobject. I already did that part what would I want next is to after deserialize, I want to add new set of key and value to that object.


Hi @Ryan_Christian_Buan

Yes ensure you use for each item


How would a for each item can add new pair of key and value?

Hi @Ryan_Christian_Buan

By using item .key and item.value with add to dictionary


HI @Ryan_Christian_Buan

Check below post

Hope this helps


Hi @Srini84,

Upon checking on the post. It only shows how to update value of a key not add new set. Though it shows an idea of updating the content by using string.replace, I would like to avoid string actions when updating /adding values to my objects .

But still thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Hi, you probably moved on from this issue but incase it helps anyone else.
I used an invoke code acitivity and passed the jobject as an in/out argument.

The code I used to add a property to the end of the JObject was:

TestJobject.Add(new JProperty(“NewProperty”,“New Value”))

I adapted an example from this website if you want more info: