Entering data in AddDataRow in the design panel, is not working.
Using Studio 2022.12.0 (community) using UiPath.system.activities 22.10.4
There are 7 (!) ways to enter the data. Either by typing in the fields 1 or 5 or using the other buttons to open the expression editor.
Entering anything in the design panel, using options 1 - 4 results in:
- The data is not visible in the properties (arrayrow property is emtpy)
- The ArrayRow is red and marked as ‘None of the overload groups have their activity arguments configured’
- In the current state of the screenshot, clicking on 1-7 will show an empty Expression editor
- Behaviour of Add Data Column is similar
Entering data in 5, 6 or 7, so in the properties-panel, does work.