Hi, what is the activity used to stop (not terminate) the current workflow?
I see here there is a Stop Job activity, how do I specify that the current running workflow is to be stopped? I.e. there is a property “Job” which references a job in Orchestrator, how do I set this “Job” property to reference the workflow that is currently running?
you need to get the job to kill the respective Job. for that use Get Jobs activity and use filter to get the job.
Job - Specify the job to be stopped or killed. This property supports OrchestratorJob variables.
Strategy - Select how to stop the job:
Stop - Stop the job in a safe manner, when a Should Stop activity is encountered in the workflow.
Kill - Forcefully stop the job, regardless of where the execution is.
Hope this helps you 
Hi @Vijay_Kumar_C
How do you properly reference the current running process as the process to be stopped/killed?
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