i have selectors to click on 4 radio buttons, uuper two are working fine but the robot cannot find the other two as they become visible after scrolling the page down.
Can any one help me with this issue?
i have selectors to click on 4 radio buttons, uuper two are working fine but the robot cannot find the other two as they become visible after scrolling the page down.
Can any one help me with this issue?
Try using the Simulate Click property as it supports background execution.
You can use the Send hot Key activity to send in keyboard commands. In the hot key activity, pass in the page down key to scroll down the page a bit.
However, Usually in web pages, the page do not need to be scrolled down to locate UI elements. IT will check for it in the entire page even though it is not visible in the screen or not. You might need to take a look at that as well… I know this as a fact as I have done many web automations and it locates every single thing without scrolling down. even the buttons at the very button of the page while the screen rests on the top… So check on the click properties like simulate click for example to check its capabilities…
You can use send hotkey activity and under Key select scroll. If radio buttons are still not visible, add another send hotkey with scroll activity.
You could add a few seconds delay using delay activity to allow the robot to first select the first 2 radio buttons and then add the scroll then find the remaining 2 radio buttons.
I too faced the above problem , had to use scroll to help robot locate the text-boxes.
Hi scroll is not working in my case so i tried with pgdn which is working fine for me
Hi @sawaseem
Just checking with you, which element are you selecting in order to scroll? I’m trying it out but it doesn’t seem to work when I select the window.
eventhough its not through mouse scroll, you can use Send Hotkey for PageUp and PageDown
Hi @chakri,
PageUp and PageDown keys are not responding for this application. End does not work as well, hence I need to use scroll. Do you know if it is possible to use send hotkey for scroll?
There is HotKey scroll , like pageup, pagedown, etc
Ah I see, so it is not referring to the “scroll” hotkey? My bad, I misunderstood the conversation
You could place an “Inject Js Script” Activity and scroll by pixel…
“window.scrollTo(5000, 5000);”
@Lahiru.Fernando You are very correct!!!
In regards to the above conversation, i am using hot key for page up and down in unattended mode it is not picking it up.
The trial and errors i did was - attach windows then using send hotkey, activate too, and by clicking true for sending windows message as well but none are working for my side.
If anyone can help me how to resolve this it would be very helpful.
The hotkeys are working perfectly fine in attended mode