I getting an error
It’s supposed to choose “line type” drop down list and select “Goods “ but it’s not
Below is the code and its properties screenshot, please help
Selector details
I getting an error
It’s supposed to choose “line type” drop down list and select “Goods “ but it’s not
Below is the code and its properties screenshot, please help
Typo in my earlier post. Actually its selected the Line Type as Goods from Dropdown but its not moving to the next code where it suppose to pick “Material Group”
I’m suggesting you to use select activity for drop downs.
If you use type into activity, if drop down values are starts with same word then it will pick the first one.
Find Element activity, set as “complete” in"TimeoutMS" option
Please let me know the steps to do. Now Select Item is used and I dont know which one you want me to change
Find image activities, you have the option for Wait for Ready in Target Tab.
please change to complete and then try.
same error, I tried to capture the screenshot again running now. Let you know if I get the same error again. I m also thinking the page /cursor is not moving …once its done with Line Type drop down list. The material Group is little down …I have noticed this when the error pop out just now…