Activity have been resolved or removed


i was doing a project in Reframe work but suddenly it went like this

Please help me
Thanks in advance

This is due to an issue with your dependencies. Look at your project panel, something is broken, not loaded, a newer or older version was installed.

Hi @jai_kumar2

Open the Project Panel → Check the dependencies If any faulted → Right click on dependency → Select the repair dependency.

Hope it helps!!

Hi Postwick thanks for your reply

Can you please tell me how to check that

@mkankatala Thanks for reply

I tried repair dependencies but its not working.

Your dependencies is not at updated. Do update all the dependencies to the new version.

Hope you understand!! @jai_kumar2

Look in the Output tab, there will be errors. It’s probably because you cannot access the online feeds to download the packages.

Yes its failed to download package. so what can we suppose to do in this situation

Check with your network team about why the feeds are not accessible.


  1. Try adding this feed in manage packages and check…you can add from settings tab

  1. If this is not helping then if you are on corporate laptop then may be there are firewalls blocking you need to ask network team to unblock…or if personal then youc an try disabling it



These problems are sort out by upgrading or downgrading the version of every dependency to the standard version means not to preview version.

Do this for all the dependencies. It was working.