Activity doesn't provide output required eventhough it is shown it complete task

Hello Friends,
please i need a help with this problem that i have since last week.

in general the activities i am showing to you in picture below describe part of my procedures . The program complets its run and output tab shows no problem to complete task.


However, last activity (eventhough it is complete), does not provide screen output as expected (shown in picture bellow). in other words this “Save as” screen is not shown.

Thanks for any advice or suggestion.


Sometimes it’s because of the sap configuration
When running with UiPath or any external agent like robot services
Try to check with sap configuration or change the bot selector accordingly

Hello @Palaniyappan,
thanks for helping.
in fact, when clicking manually the result is shown in the software , in other words i get the screen desired…

But when running the UiPath program it is not shown the “save as” screen .
However, it is shown that the program is completed with no problem at all…


  1. If the pop up is not coming then try with hardware events option
  2. So do you mean the type into and all are also not failing? if yes then did you indicate saves as window as a separate screen or window?if not please try to indicate it as spearate window

Hello @Anil_G
Thanks for helping.
1.- Yes, the popup ( “Save as”) is not coming with UiPath. but , comes when clicking manually…

2.- yes , type into and all are correct. i cant not mention saves as window because it is no appeared. i have to fix this one before, because if i do that ( and as explained it does not appeared) … then program crashes …

Thanks for helping


ideally if save as window does not appear it should crash…so please make the change

also did you try with hardware events? or did you verify if the click to oepn saves as is happening at the correct location as needed?



I guess, this is the answer Modal Dialog Boxes supported by SAP Scripting - #2 by LevKushnir

Best regards, Lev