Activities being cancled/ignored


I am debugging a flow and have enabled Execution Trail and Log Activities to see what is going on.

The proces runs fine until a certain Keyboard Shortcuts activity which is marked as “Partially executed” and then all the following activities are being cancled without any notification/error or such.
The flow simply runs to an end without performing the intermediate activities.

Take a look at my Output below:

Anyone know what is causing this behaviour?


I see you have verify that input run in your keyboard shortcut activity and because the it was not run successfully and the value of that activity is false and verification is false , other activities cancelled.

if you see the activity run successfully remove the verification
I would use any other alternative activity and remove send hot key or add attach app/bowser and indicated the required app and use send hot key inside this scope

Hello @Ehab_Sawars

It does’nt look like the key (F12) is being sent.
It has a selector on an Excel window and pressing F12 should open the “Save as” pop-up.
The verification is looking for the “Filename” input of the “save as” pop-up.

But if either the activity itself or the verification fails, then it should throw an error.
It does’nt throw any error, but simply ignores the rest of the code/activities and runs to an end.


yes but send hotkey if fails does not throw error

if verification fails it does not throw an error, you will need to get out the true or false output from the verification properties and use condition to see if it passed successfully.

is it excel file you wan to save as ? I suggest to use any other alternative rather than keyboard shortcuts