Activies are not identifying cells from SAP Table


I have transaction ME51N where i have to insert info in specific column from the table, but i am unable to locate a specific cell and the selector sees the entire table.

I had also transaction ME21N where i did not encounter this issue.

Any suggestion is welcome.

ME51N - issue


Try changing the UI Framework by pressing F4 button when you are trying to select the element.

Ashok :slight_smile:

@ashokkarale thank for the proposal, but still is not getting an individual cell.


Try updating the package to latest version if there is any update.

Is SAP Scripting enabled from Options menu?

Also, what’s Studio, SAP Gui versions please?

package updated - no change
Studio: 2023.4.3
SAP 800

SCripting is enabled, i use the same user for other T-Codes without problems


Thanks for the info.

Other tables is it working fine?

@ashokkarale, yes, in other transactions.

Could you try with CV, to detect the element or use the anchor base selectors or you can check is any short cut available for inserting the column?

@mukesh.singh, unfortunately will not work, i will have to insert values row by row, so the index will be needed