Access to MySQL/MariaDB from current Community release 2022.10.3

I have had a UiPath project working for a long time that accesses a MariaDB/MySql database. With all the recent UiPath updates, the changes in UiPath Connect to database activity, and apparently changes to ODBC drivers in the background I am no longer able to set up a connection to the MariaDB/MySql database on the same computer as UiPath without an error of some sort. Please outline and explain the steps and packages now required to accomplish this (like I was five :-)). Thanks in advance, Bill

Hi @Bill_Vasu,
please update the database activity packages and run the project again.

Hi @Bill_Vasu

I provided an answer here : MySQL Provider isn't available in database connect activity - #7 by yrobert

does this help?

@Bill_Vasu - did you got any solution on MariaDB database issue?