Access shared mailbox in Outlook

Hi there,

I’m having troubles in accessing shared mailboxes:
if i set as main account the original one (e.g. and then specify the complete address of the shared folder that I want to reach (e.g. \SHARED.MAILBOX.NAME\Inbox\TargetFolder) 2 things can happen:

  1. it gives the error “The specified folder does not exist” if in the original account there isn’t a target folder with the same name
  2. it fetches the email of the folder of the original account if they have the same name (e.g. if both the original account and the shared mailbox have the folder “Inbox” it gets the email located in the Inbox of
    In case I set the shared mailbox as main account it gives the error “The specified folder does not exist”

I’m having this issues both with Outlook and Exchange mail activity. I’ve also already tried all the possible combos with user account and mailbox name (e.g. using the shared mailbox address “” instead of the name “SHARED.MAILBOX.NAME”)

The actions I need to doare fetching emails from the Inbox of the shared mailbox and move them into subfolders of the same mailbox.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Thanks a lot

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Did you find a solution?


In my case I managed to get and move mails around the shared mailbox’s folders in outlook activities by specifying “Account” parameter as the displayed name of the shared mailbox (the one that you see in outlook when you have this mailbox added, this is usually different than the actual shared mailbox adress).


have you click on mark as read option and only unread messages both in Getoutlook mail message activity in UiPath. Then please uncheck the mark as read option in Getoutlook mail message activity in UiPath. I think then problem will be solved.

have you solved this?

Hej Giscotti

I recently faced a similar challenge: On most attempts trying to fetch mails from a sharemailbox subfolder (inbox/robotMails) I get “The specified folder does not exist”.

After some hours of trial and error I could conclude that if I had Outlook open the error would occur, but if I closed Outlook I got the mails I wanted :slight_smile:

So my advice is to close Outlook :smiley:

Best regards Mikkel


Mate, you’re a lifesaver!
I would never have guessed this as a solution!

Cheers!! :slightly_smiling_face: