Academy Level 3 exercise 2 - Download Monthly Report: No report found for this vendor


In acme-test all vendor give same error: No report found.
This was reported as an error in May '19 as well and then it proved to be an error in acme-test. Apparently the error re-appeared. Please fix.

This is not an error. This is expected.
When report is not found, click ok and proceed with the next month
This is clearly explained in walkthrough document.

I’m aware that not 100% of the cases have a report. However I don’t think it’s correct that 0% of the cases have a hit. This issue was reported in may 2019 also and then it was recognized as an error in the System1 data.
Can anybody advise on how to escalate this to UiPath?

I’m facing the same issue of “No Report found for the selected Vendor / Month / Year” for all the Vendors and all months, even though I have already reset the work items many times.
It stops me to complete the course.
Any advise or this is the existing issue, if yes, how soon it can be fixed.
