About the Citrix Extension button


About the Citrix Extension button on the Tools tab. Please tell me how to use after installation is complete.

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If you mean citrix automation -

A new extension for Citrix? I too would like to know more about it.



From what I know, this is a new feature which requires to have a component installed on Xenapp (server) side to work.

The plugin, added to the server side component would permit to expose certain selectors using a Citrix bridge.

More info will be coming later, this is currently in enterprise adhoc Beta testing.
@mircea, could you confirm?



@Florent_Salendres has some good sources. :slight_smile: Citrix extension is part of the Native Citrix Support which we’re cooking for our Citrix-friendly customers. With this, users will be able to build selectors even in Citrix environments. 1st round of support will extend to XenApps, 2nd wave will cover Citrix Desktops as well. More information to come when we officially release the Enterprise version of 18.4.

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Thank you very much.
We are looking forward to Citrix’s new features.


I just downloaded the latest Community Edition which defaults to 2018.4 now but the Citrix Extension button produces the following error:


Looks like it might be because I don’t have a citrix registry key but not a pretty error for CE.

Update: this is handled by @loginerror here Issues with installing Citrix extention