About append range activity for Excel


Now, I’m making following flow with UIPath.

  1. Open Excel file1
  2. Open Excel file2
  3. Read range from file1
  4. Append range to file2

But, even though I deleted the contents in the all cells
on file2, the content of file1 wasn’t appended from top row.

I don’t know why, but if I operated “delete all rows” instead
of below actions, then “Append range” worked as I expected.

  1. Select all range
  2. Press delete key

Is “Append range” activity affected by some invisible factor
on excel file?

Best regards,

Hi @dekochan

Could you try appending file1 to a newly created file2?

Excel sometimes remembers the working range in the sheet even if you deleted all contents. It is rather annoying, but most times it is solved by selecting entire worksheet and selecting Clear->Clear All, then saving and then reopening the file.

But to be sure if that is the case in your situation, I would first try to append your data from the first file to an empty, newly created second file.


Thank you for your prompt response!!

Excel sometimes remembers the working range in the sheet even if you
deleted all >contents. It is rather annoying, but most times it is solved by >selecting entire >worksheet and selecting Clear->Clear All, then saving
and then reopening the file.

Great!! I wanted above information!!

BTW, I haven’t tried it with new file, so I’ll try soon.

Thanks a lot!