ABBYY FlexiCapture - Handwritten Data

How to extract data from the handwritten documents by using ABBYY FlexiCapture

For the actual text recognition, ABBYY offers a comprehensive set of recognition technologies. The provided technologies include recognition of machine-printed texts (OCR), hand-printed texts (ICR), recognition of optical marks (OMR) and recognition of barcodes (OBR)

To extract data from handwritten Documents, Administrator station should be used.

  1. Open Administrator station
  2. Under document definitions section, click on create to create a new document definition
  3. Load the input file(Handwritten Documents)
  4. Choose ICR engine to process the document
  5. Once the document loads, now specify where these fields are. Just use the elements up here to determine what kind of fields are dealing with.
Note: ABBYY can only extract handwritten data where its written in block letters not cursive writing. The accuracy of the results vary depending on the type of document used. 

For more detailed explanation on how to create ABBYY FlexiCapture fixed from project with a special focus on handwriting, find below link,   .