A new badge for Advanced Certified Devs

Not that having a badge changes much, but since we already have the concept of badges here at UiPath forum representing where we’re at in our RPA journey, having another one for our RPA Advancd Certified developers seems justfied.

I do not know whether this has already been discussed before in another post. If it has, apologies.

Thanks for the idea @siddharth

We’ll need to find a way to automatically link forum and certifications platform. We’ll keep you posted. :slight_smile:


Hi ovi, any development on this? would be great to be able to have a badge :slight_smile:

Hi, any update on this pls?

This is work in progress now. We just started to automate this process, so you can expect it really soon.


Great stuff @ovi

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Hi Ovi, I have done advance certification with different account. After joining a new company, I created a new account in the forum. So, in the forum settings it does not allow to change my email-Id to the one same as academy account. How can we solve this problem?

Hi @savitha.kumari

I don’t think this is the right post for that query. However, I had a similar issue once. I didn’t need to create a new forum account for this. What I did was I changed my id here and in the academy to my personal email ID.


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