A developer designed a process in the REFramework using Orchestrator queues. In which state(s) will be the status updated for each Transaction Item in the queue?

A developer designed a process in the REFramework using Orchestrator queues.

In which state(s) will be the status updated for each Transaction Item in the queue?


Settransactionstatus.xaml or process transaction state - here the status is either set to failed or successful

And in gettransactiondata.xaml or get trasaction state the status moves to in progress from new


Hi @Kanu_priya_Munja1

The status of the queue is updated in Set Transaction Status.xaml.

Hope it helps!!


  1. Get Transaction Data State:
  • The status of the Transaction Item is not updated in this state. The item is just fetched from the queue for processing.
  1. Process Transaction State:
  • If the transaction is successfully processed without any errors, the status of the Transaction Item is set to “Successful” in the Set Transaction Status state after processing.
  1. Set Transaction Status State:
  • This is where the status of the Transaction Item is actually updated. Depending on the outcome of the processing:
    • Successful: The transaction item is marked as “Successful”.
    • Business Rule Exception: If a business rule exception occurs during processing, the transaction item is marked as “Failed” with the status reason as “BusinessRuleException”.
    • System Exception: If a system exception occurs (e.g., an application crashes, or a network issue), the transaction item is marked as “Failed” with the status reason as “ApplicationException”. The item can also be retried if retries are enabled.
  1. End Process State:
  • No status updates are made in this state. It simply handles the end of the process.


  • The transaction status is updated in the Set Transaction Status state, which is executed after the transaction has been processed in the Process Transaction state. The specific status is determined by whether the processing was successful, or if it encountered a business or system exception.

Get transactionitem in the get transaction item state indeed fetches an item from the queue. Thus its status is changed from ‘new’ to ‘in progress’.

Hi @Kanu_priya_Munja1,

  1. When adding the item to the Queue, the transaction item is in NEW status → happens in the Initialization state of REF or in the dispatcher process.
  2. When you get the transaction item from the Queue, it turns to INPROGRESS status → happens in the Get Transaction state of REF.
  3. Using Set Transaction Item, we can set the item to SUCCESS or FAILED status → in the Process state.


Here question is about the State of the REFramework so it get’s updated in two states.

  1. Get Transaction Data - It uses Get Transaction Data activity which changes the status of the fetched to process queue item from New to In Progress

  2. Process Transaction - In this state, transaction gets process and it could result in success or failure. So here transaction status of the transaction will get updated to Successful or Failed

Ashok :slight_smile:

@Kanu_priya_Munja1 so the answer it goes in the Set Transaction xaml and the set trans xaml is inside the process state
here the screenshot
The image depicts a Try Catch block in a workflow with a Try section invoking the "SetTransactionStatus (Success)" workflow from the "Framework" directory. (Captioned by AI)
and inside the set tran there are three stages if your process is success then it goes in the success state and if you are getting business Exception then it goes in the BE state and if your process having any system Exception then it goes in the System Exception
A flowchart depicts a decision-making process that determines success, business exceptions, and system exceptions based on specific conditions. (Captioned by AI)

cheers Happy Automation