Having trouble downloading zip files to my windows machine from UiPath Learning plans

I’m having trouble opening the zip files provided by the UiPath trainings (RPA developer foundation trainings) on to my machine and then accessing them in studio. They download and I can see the files in my file explorer but when I extract them they don’t show up in the extracted folder. Has anyone had this problem before? Please help!!!

Hello @katieward02

Have you tried check hidden item on extracted folder?

Best Regard,

I tried that but it didn’t seem to fix the issue. I’ve attached screen shots so you can see my steps. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions. Thank you!

You can see here that after I have extracted the file it shows the folder as empty ( even when I have show hidden items selected). Please let me know if you have any ideas. I’m sure it is a simple mistake that I’m missing. @NutchanonSwnl


I just test download and unzip, it worked properly
So can you try unzip only one item inside that folder? just to see if it can unzip or not

some video tip

Best Regard,

I was able to get it now into studio but I’m getting this error when I try to open the file. Any ideas?

Now I’m back to having the same problem…When I try to extract the files it says the the folder is empty?

Hello @katieward02

i think you can try unzip using another third party(Winrar,7zip),
if error still persist, i think file maybe removed by system(Antivirus, some rule of window)

Best Regard,