Capture the element in the children window

There is children window by right click the “客商基本档案” below and the “关闭” is need to be chosen. But when I choose to use “Use Application/Browser” in the UiPath, the children window will lost.
Anyone know if there a method to solve it?


Did you try using recorder feature and record the steps you are doing?


Yes. When using the recorder feature, there will be error like below:


Try getting the window selector from the click activity and use it inside a new use application/browser activity and try


The children window only appears when right click and will close when click outside the app.
when use application the children window will close.


In the click activity you recorder you will have a selector in window selector which would ideally be the selector of required pop up…so copy it and try using instead of re indicating it

Else after clicking indicate click f2 and then indicate the pop up window


Would you please help share a screenshot?

@jackie.yue - Please check the below link

Hi @jackie.yue

Is this children window a popup which is hoverable kind or a separate window?

If its a separate window, Use another Use Browser/Application activity and identify window first and then the ui element.

If it’s a hoverable menu, please use F2 to delay the selection process right click again, then try pressing F6 and then select your UiElement.

That way you might be able to select it.


Happy Automation!