Present Validation Station: The value must either contain a textual value or have components, not both

Hello All,

I am facing the below error at Present Validation Station. Please help

Present Validation Station: The value must either contain a textual value or have components, not both


Can you provide more details…please is it happening for wvery document or for any soecific?

Can you run in debug and open locals panel and check the exception details from there? would have little detailed explanation in that exception


Hi @Nithya_Aashitha

Welcome to UiPath community

Usually this error occurs when the data extracted from the document contains both textual values and components.

You can try to modify the data extraction rules to ensure that the data extracted from the document contains either textual values or components, but not both.


Here is the screenshot of the exception from Locals

Thanks for your response Gokul!

How do we ensure that the value contains either text or component and not both?

This is happening only for a specific document where I defined 2 tables in the taxonomy.


Can you please check this a validate if this is how you are trying it


Yes, I have 2 tables as in the video, 1 table having 6 columns and the other having 4 columns…
1st table in page-1

2nd table in page-2

My objective is to extract Material Description, Quantity and Amount from 1st table and CGST Amount, SGST amount and IGST amount from the 2nd table. And Join them as a single table and present it in Validation Station.

So I have extracted Item column also from both the tables, which can act as a primary key.


The problem here is the tables are in two different pages…you have to add classifiers also to identify the different pages of the documnet…


I have added already while creating the template. It was working well and not giving this exception at Validation Station earlier. But after I defined prevalidation logic this exception is coming.

Prevalidation logic:
I defined CGST, SGST and IGST columns in the 1st table too and extracted dummy values for them, so that I can update them with the CGST, SGST and IGST values respectively from table2

Logic worked well, and when I skip validation station step, I am able to get all the values as required when I write to excel.


The format of these new values and the extracted values is different i beleive…which is causing this issue…

I guess this would help…did you happen to add the confidence and other fields required also when you added cgst and all? Because the structure requires those values…if youa dd only value then the structure of it changes.would suggest any strctural changes to be considered…and also the fied type should not be changed…


I haven’t added any new ones, instead, I just updated the extracted ones on the condition that value.IsMissing.Equals(False).


Then did you update then update the ismissing to true after you identify and check…

To verify if everything is proper…first open your locals panel after extraction and before the changes and check the structure of the variable in the locals panel…and try to find the differences…what you need to do is match it with any field which is extracted and set the balues similarly.some how the structure is changed…so we have to tweak so that the bot does not understand the structure is effected.this is the end goal
