How to download folder from google drive?

Hi Team,

How to download folder from google drive?
Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance,

You can use Find files and folders activity . It will return the list of files

Hi @Tuannna1

Check this documentation

you know the ID of the files then you can use the Download file activity to achieve this. If you have a folder get all the ID from the folder and pass it to download file activity.

I got the following error:

Hi @Tuannna1 ,
Check this Link attached below

Hope this might help you :slight_smile:


Don’t use download file activity first use Find file & folder activity and get folder id the. Use

@Tuannna1 you have a folder get all the ID from the folder and pass it to download file activity


can you give me an example?

achieve this for files located directly in a specified folder by using Find Files and Folders activity with a filter like “‘your-folder-id’ in parents and trashed = false and mimeType != ‘application/’”. Then use Download File in a For Each activity.

your-folder-id’ in parents and trashed = false and mimeType != ‘application/

Use this expression in search expression

@Tuannna1 pls check this if it works then pls mark it as solution for my hard work

do you have sample files?


Pls check this

The files in the folder have been downloaded, how can i get the folder name?

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