The status that it shows "In process" and "Completed"

The following process shows status “In Process” and the value that it shows is null and process gets exited and after some time it shows “Completed” so I want to retry until status turn into “Completed” so that I can get an output. It should log a message if the status gets completed.
MicrosoftTeams-image (14)


Use the http activity in a loop with delay and then you can run it till completed


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Im not using http activity Im using invoke code method. Im passing values via argument


Then use the same invoke code in loop…

The idea remains you get the api data is upto you


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Can you please show any example on how to loop it?


Please check this

try giving some value to max iteration in loop properties so that it does not go to infinite loop


thankyou so much will try and let you know

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Thnakyou for your response, Its wworking perfectly fine just one more last thing where should I pass the value for max iterations


In the while loop properties you have a max iteration option


Thankyou for your quick responses it was quiet helpful

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