Anyone having solution of my problem

i want extract the data from multiple excel sheet to one sheet and in multiple sheet having the numbers they can add and only total of particular number write to the

in that type i have multiple sheet and having sum of the hours in perticular sheet add them and write in new sheet any one help me for that

Hi @Shubham_Bidwai

You can try with this LINQ expression

(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable Where Not (isNothing(d("Hours")) OrElse String.IsNullorEmpty(d("Hours").toString.Trim)) Select v = CDbl(d("Hours").toString.Trim)).Sum(Function (x) x)

Check out the thread


error is shown
can you write the expression i told you my file name and data table also

@Gokul001 Plz help me for the solution

HI @Shubham_Bidwai

Check out the XAML file

SumExcelColumn.xaml (16.1 KB)


hi @Gokul001 can you provide ref video for me i will fallow that video

I don’t have any video. Have you check the XAML file? @Shubham_Bidwai

ya check that but i did not understand

i am new in RPA (UI Path)

Hi @Shubham_Bidwai

Check out this XAML file It will be start forward as simple

SumUsingLINQ.xaml (8.8 KB)


thanks @Gokul001 i will try the same procedure

@Gokul001 i want sum of number of hours in excel sheet not from built data table
i have number of excel sheet and i want the only total number of hours in each excel sheet

Hi @Shubham_Bidwai

Instead of Build data table Use Excel Read Range activity and try it bro. It is only for your reference XAML file. Based on that you can build your automation.


Okay thank you @Gokul001 i will create boat definitely from your guidance

@Gokul001 can you explain the error

In the excel file the Sheet name 14 is not exist. Can you check the Input excel file whether the Sheet 14 is exist or not?