DATTABLE / EXCEL Add column with value

Hi @Manikandasamy

To add a new column in an Excel file using UiPath, you can use the Add Data Column activity. Here’s an example of how to use this activity:

  1. First, drag and drop the Add Data Column activity from the Activities panel onto the Designer panel.
  2. Next, specify the input for the activity by setting the properties in the Properties panel.
  • In the DataTable property, specify the data table that you want to add the new column to.
  • In the ColumnName property, specify the name of the new column.
  • In the ColumnType property, specify the data type of the new column (e.g., String, Integer, etc.).
  • In the DefaultValue property, specify the default value for the new column. This value will be used for all rows in the data table.
