SharePoint issu

I need to upload 81 files in SharePoint but in some files it did not click on the upload button and in the log messages it shows Uielement error.Anyone can help me how to rectify it?


Try adding a retry scope on that click may be that would help.

And also can you check if the selector is changing… i guess in error it would show the closest match and if you have a screenshot check that.

Generally while uploading file…sp gets refreshed while that is happening bot might not be able to interact so…try using waitforcomplete for interacting also may be a delay would help or a check on uploaded file so bot waits till it finishes


Hi @Cuberoot ,

Are you using sharepoint on Prem or online?

If possible could you please try automating sharepoint automation via background mode (using Microsoft azure - if your share point hosted on azure cloud) and also for on Prem there is custom activity in market place that will help you to automate in background mode. This will help you to permanently resolve all your ui automation problems with sharepoint. Sharing my suggestion on your issue. Thanks.

It shows me this error


Please try refining the selector that aaname looks really bad…can you go to ui explorer and find a better match …and reload page and try validating it please


Agree with Anil here, especially the unknown character in aaname.

Try and repair the selector next time it fails, that may help you decipher the problem part of the selector.

How to find a better match in uiexplorer?

Hi @Cuberoot

Why are you not using API to Upload the file in SharePoint.



Open your ui explorer and then open thw upload page…

Now indicate the element you need and refresh the page and try validating the selector …if the selector is valid even after you refresh the page or change the page to other pages…then you can use the selector else…change the attributes or make them dynamix using vatiables or asterisk marks and then re validate …repeat the peocess till you get a valid selector
