Testing licence robot status disconnected

Login to LAPTOP-FUMATO2E and reconnect your robot to Orchestrator.

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Go to Start β†’ services.msc β†’ look for UiRobot and start the service

Also, open a cmd.exe console from Start and run these commands and provide the screenshots:

sc query "UiRobotSvc" | find /i "failed" 2>&1>nul && echo.'Ui Robot service is not installed' || (sc query "UiRobotSvc"| find /i "running" 2>&1>nul && echo.Yes || echo.No)

sc query "UiRobotSvc" | findstr STATE
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uipath roobot is not available in services.msc

Well, this will not work.

  1. Uninstall the actual Studio Robot from Control Panel β†’ Apps & Features
  2. Also remove the below folders if they exists
  • The settings in the folders %PROGRAMPDATA%\UiPath, %LOCALAPPDATA%\UiPath, and %APPDATA%\UiPath
  • The packages folder %USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages
  • The NuGet cache folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\NuGet\v3-cache
  • The Assistant processes folder in the Windows Start menu %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\UiPath Assistant Processes
  1. Install the Robot in Unattended mode. More details can be found here: Install Studio
  2. In the end reconnect the robot through UiPath Assistant

Let us know if this helped.

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Try to follow these steps:

Then in UiPath Assistant β†’ Disconnect robot β†’ Connect and Sign in with your user

Its working!!! Thankyou…

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