Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action - Unattended robot

Hi All,

I have developed one robot using StudioX community license and it is working perfectly fine if i am running through Studio or through assistant manually.

However, whenever i am scheduling it in my VM and i am not logged in to VM, i end up getting below error always:

Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action. Possible solutions: • Ensure application is opened and the UI element is visible on the screen at execution time • Edit the Target of the UI activity and use Validation to debug the issue. • If needed, re-indicate the element as its properties might have changed • Use “Check state” activity to check the application state before executing the action • Increase the “Delay before” value to allow time to the application to render entirely and become responsive

If i am logged in to VM and have active session then scheduled robot is working but mostly issue comes when my VM session is not active (Server is on but i am not logged in).

There is no issue with the credentials because Robot is starting automatically and i can see some of the initial logs.

Hi @ankur.agarawal

Welcome to UiPath forums.

Try after making these changes on the robot settings page. Set ‘Login To Console’ to No and update the resolution width, height and depth.

See Robot settings ( for more details.

Let us know if it worked.

Hello @ankur.agarawal

Please confirm you have installed robot as service mode.

Hi @ankur.agarawal

Welcome to UiPath community

Have a look on the thread

Try the Below steps as well as

  1. We should have any on going connections with the VM(bot machine) like user logins. to avoid this we have to restart the VM to make sure that no user logged into this VM machine.
  2. Have you installed the Bot which you are running as un attended from orchestrator by using MSI installer since we must install the bot with service mode since service mode bot is required for un attended automation.
  3. Make sure that you assigned un attended bot license for the Bot(VM) which you are trying to run your process un attended.


@grkiran2 , thanks for your response. I tried setting the resolution and updating the login to console but the behavior is the same

Try setting Resolution Depth to 32. Windows 10 only supports a resolution depth of 32. Assuming windows 11 does the same too.

Also try using a screenshot activity just before the error is encountered. It should provide some insights into the error.

Lastly, try using window messages or simulate instead of hardware events. In most cases, they should work even when the UI element is not visible on screen.

@Gokul001, Uipath is installed as Service Mode. Please note that the bot is running however it is failing to find the UI element. When i try to login to VM while bot is still running, i can see the browser opened by the running bot but could not go further like cannot enter user name as password.

Hi @ankur.agarawal

Have you test the process from Ui Assistant. It is working ah ?


@Gokul001 , Yes. it works from UiPath Assistant and also if i run from the StudioX. It is only failing to find the UI element whenever it is run remotely.

Are the Robot is Developed in Studio or Studio X? @ankur.agarawal

@Gokul001, Sorry my bad, its UiPath Studio Community

Then Y are you running the bot from StudioX @ankur.agarawal

@Gokul001, i am running from Studio and Assistant, both places robot is running successfully.

HI @ankur.agarawal

Do you have Unattended License?

@Rahul_Unnikrishnan, robot is installed as service mode. FYI…i have another robot scheduled on same server, that robot is working fine

@Gokul001, Yes


Hi @ankur.agarawal

Can you share the Service mode Screenshot.

Try to install Enterprise edition


@Gokul001, can you please help me where i can get the snapshot, as per my understanding UiPath.Service is running as below.

FYI…i have another robot scheduled on same server, that is working fine.

Hi @ankur.agarawal

In the Above Screen shot You have UserHost

There should be a Service. host available in the running state for unattended and User.Host for attended.



Check out this thread @ankur.agarawal