Send SMTP Error

Hello Automates,

I am trying to automate some tasks and at the end of the task need to send emails to end users.

As outlook isn’t installed in my personal lap i am using my gmail creds.

I am getting below error…

Send SMTP Mail Message: 535: 5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
5.7.8 Check Gmail through other email platforms - Gmail Help u7-20020a170902e5c700b001675d843332sm5150520plf.63 - gsmtp

to enable this I have tried enabling less secure apps in my gmail. But unfortunatley it is removed by google team.

Added screenshot for your reference.

Can anyone help me on this.

The Robot :slight_smile:

Hey @Irfan_Shaik

This error was actually due to that less secure apps configuration not enabled.

But it’s surprising to see that option is not available let me check from my side also once.


Hello @Nithinkrishna

It’s disabled for new gmail and my existing emails too :frowning:

Meanwhile can you please try GSuite activities.

Let me try and let you know.

Hello @Irfan_Shaik

Please refer to the below video

How to setup and use the Google Workspace (G Suite) for UiPath Automation | Google Workspace Package

A big thanks to all. I will try Gsuite :slight_smile:

I have one more doubt.

Can we use gmail account for SEND EXCHANGE EMAIL activity?

If yes waht are the properties. Please help me with this.

Nope you can’t !

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Hello All,

Can we use send exchange mail server in community studio. And what would be the server id?

I don’t have outlook in my laptop but i want to use send exchange email server activity. Can anyone help me with examples of send exchange email server.

The Robot :robot:

Hey @Irfan_Shaik

It doesn’t depend on community edition.

You need to have a mail account which is using Exchange platform as mail service provider, which will allow you to make use of exchange Activities.

Hope that helps


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