UI path click activity

Hi ,

I’m new to UI path . Trying to download excel report from website.while passing through click activity I’m getting this error “cannot find UI element for this action”. Please guide me how to resolve it .

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Hey @Kavitha_Saro

Could you please show the snap,

  1. Selector which you are passing to the click activity

  2. The UiElement on the screen which you are trying to click



Hello @Kavitha_Saro

Welcome to UiPath community…!

Can you open the UiExplorer and indicate on that download icon. Then keep all the static attributes and if there are some dynamic attributes, either remove them or replace with “*”. For example sometimes will be like idx=‘1’, idx=‘13’ etc… If there are any sscenario like that modify as sugegsted and use it in the click acitvity.

Validate the selector in Uiexplorer and then add to click activity. The selector which you currently provided is invalid.

Hi @Kavitha_Saro
Welcome to Uipath
As you have several option u can change the selector
Also what you can do is go to Ui Explorer and try to indicate the element also validate and highlight it you can select from righ top corner there are several option like id , class , innertext , etc so please try it and let me know if any further clarification.
Kabita jaiswal