Publishing a package from Studio to GitHub Packages

When I try to publish a package from Studio to GitHub Packages I get the following error:

The logs for the above error is also like this:

09:30:50.1874 => [WARN] [UiPath.Studio] [30] No destination repository detected. Ensure the source project has a 'RepositoryUrl' property defined. If you're using a nuspec file, ensure that it has a repository element with the required 'type' and 'url' attributes.
09:30:50.1928 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio.App.Logging.OutputLogger] [30] Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request).
09:30:50.1930 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio] [30] Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request).

So, tracing the error I published the package to local folder and unzipped the nupkg file. Then I changed the nuspec file like below.

Then I zipped the files and pushed it to github with dotnet nuget push and it worked.

Proposed Solutions

Option 1:
This solution fairly easy, when publishing a package from Studio, if it has git integration copy the git url to nuspec file under repositoryUrl

Option 2:
Add an optional field on publish menu on Studio for custom publishing that adds this value to the nuspec file under repositoryUrl

Feel free to ask further information.


Thanks for the detailed feedback. Definitely something we can improve in the future.