The rpc server is unavailable

I found error the rpc server is unavailable.
Before create pivot table activity.

If I break before create pivot table activity.
I open file excel manual , it show document recovery as below.

Please guide me for solve it.

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Hi @fairymemay ,

Could you try adding a Delay of 3-5 seconds in between the two activities and try again?

Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K

@ashwin.ashok Same error.


Use a kill process activity will ProcessName mentioned as Excel

And then give a try with your activity

Cheers @fairymemay

@Palaniyappan What process name ?

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Use a kill process activity where * In the Properties panel, add the value iexplorer in the ProcessName field.

And at the same go to design tab → manage packages → all packages-> and upgrade excel package and give a try

Cheers @fairymemay

@Palaniyappan Right ?

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Remove process and keep it empty
And mention ProcessName as “Excel”


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