💖 'Love of RPA' challenge 💖

:loudspeaker: :sparkling_heart: Let’s all sound the RPA Love alarm!!

This Valentine’s Day our whole community engages in spreading the :boom: ‘Love of RPA’ !

We’re giving out 100 sets of matching UiPath T-shirts :tshirt: so that you can set-up a friend on a blind date with RPA :sunglasses:.

When we say ‘blind date’ we mean your friend should not be a member of UiPath Community (does not own a UiPath Forum, UiPath Academy or community.uipath.com account).

:question: How? Follow steps in exact order:

:one: Make a LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram post in which you promote the Love of RPA challenge , by sharing this link: https://bit.ly/3rz0cua


‘UiPath Community is really making the best out of Valentine’s Day with the ‘Love of RPA’ challenge! You too can spread the love of RPA, and get the chance to win matching UiPath T-shirts!’

:two: In comments tag a friend and invite them to a blind date with RPA by sharing the link to any UiPath Academy course you recommend them.


‘I choose to spread the love of RPA forward to you, @Jack. How about a blind date with RPA? :point_right:insert chosen academy course link.’

:three: Assist your friend into setting up his UiPath Academy account and taking the course you recommended.

:four: Register for the challenge (RSVP to this event) and complete the event form registration by Feb 17th 2022 .

:trophy: We’re giving out 100 matching :tshirt: UiPath T-shirt sets to up this challenge!

Now, let the RPA love flow…

:point_right::point_right: See Love of RPA at UiPath EMEA&APAC Virtual Events


Whoa !! What an interesting challenge :clap:. This has to be my favourite one :star_struck:coming for → :tshirt::tshirt:


Awesome challenge on behalf of Valentine’s Day on Spreading Love of RPA Thanks for sharing @cristina.vidu .