How to add integer value while the comma inbetween that (Ex. 16,000)

using the immediate panel we can prototype and check our statements.
Refering to the screenshots we do see, that the statement is valid.

Now we can check for the values, which are not parseable

Similar to the example, done with a list we can do it with datatables

  • set a brekapoint
  • debug and get paused
  • open immediate panel
    use the statement:
    DTPlant.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (x) Not Double.TryParse(x(“Good Parts”).toString)).toList

we will get back a list of datarows with all rows where Good Parts Values was not parseable.

Kindly note:

the reference to the looped row is missing Double.Parse("Good…

so it was parsing the string value “Good Parts” and for sure this is not a valid value

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