For each row in Excel(A), finding sum of column(4) of excel(B) and store it in excel(A)

I have an excel(a),Excel(B).

for each row in excel(A), go to the respective Excel(B) and calculate the sum of the column(4) value in excel(B) and again store value in column(4) of excel(A).Can anyone help me out please…Its Urgent


Welcome to UiPath forum

Can you elaborate on how this step is done
Sum of column(4) means

Cheers @Usha_Sree

Screenshot (13)

In the image 2, Assign activity, Quantity=Quantity+ Cint(CurrentRow(4)).What I need is, I want to take the Row(4) from Excel Vendor Inventory and not from Excel Vendor list


In that case use this as expression if you have the excel vendor inventory data saved as dt_vendorinv and vendor list as dt_list

Quantity = Quantity + Cint(dt_vendorinv.Rows(dt_list.Rows.IndexOf(CurrentRow))(4).ToString)

dt_list.Rows.IndexOf(CurrentRow)) - gives rowindex from for each row loop which we can use to get the value in same of dt vendor list
we use this rowindex like,

dt_list.Rows(rowindex)(columnindex) - gives the value at specific row and column index where both index value starts from 0 for first row and first column

Cheers @Usha_Sree

In that case, I am getting the error like this

Aah you are almost done
But requires a small change

In this below expression

Keep the Quantity before to = in To property of assign activity

And the expression to the right side of =
Keep that in Value part of Assign activity

It has to be used exactly the same way you did
Just a change in Value property of that assign activity

Hope this clarifies

Cheers @Usha_Sree

Actually i started learning uipath a week before. I didn’t understood what you exactly said.
can you elaborate it

Here it is @Usha_Sree

Have a view on these academy courses
It would really help a lot


My issue was solved with the help of below query…Hope it helps.

dtTesting.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function (x) If(Double.TryParse(x.item(“Column2”).ToString, Nothing), Double.Parse(x.Item(“Column2”).ToString), 0))

here just change the “column2” to the respective column you have in your excel which you want to get total sum.

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