Studio Extension not appearing in Edge store


I am trying to install the UiPath extension on MS Edge. When i search for it, this is the only result.

Any ideas how i do this? i have already installed the edge extension from Studio


Please go through the Tools Menu (on the left) in Studio and install it from within the Studio environment.


I did that. Still no UiPath extension in Edge

Ok, please restart Edge. Also did you check Extensions > Manage Extensions

It’s possible the extension is installed but not enabled?


No still unable to find it. Did all of the above

I have done this but the extension is not appearing in Edge.

What should the extension look like in the browser?

It might be the organizations group policy blocking the extension?

Click here in Edge

and turn it on. If you can’t see it, update your Edge


I checked the extensions in edge. it is not there

Restart your browser and your computer?

Did that. Still not there.

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