Click activity questions

lets say base height = 100 and the width between each checkbox is 20, and you want to click the 3rd checkbox then y= 100+(20x2), if you want to click the 2nd checkbox then y=100+(20x1)

i attached a workflow here (32.7 KB), you need open before you run it

and set the checkboxIndex, e.g. if you want to click 3rd checkbox, set checkboxIndex = 2,
if you want to click 1st checkbox, set checkboxindex = 0 and so on


Just to reiterate:

  1. set cursor position to top-left, set offsetX to a small value to shift it to top-center. then find the “base height” , base height = y offset of 1st (top) checkbox. (just play around with y-offset until robot clicks the 1st box)
  2. find distance between 1st and 2nd checkbox (again play around with y-offset)
  3. now you have a formula for clicking the nth checkbox
    yOffset = baseHeight + (n-1)*distance between each checkbox