Chrome Tab Unique Identifier/Scraping - Uipath Scrapes the 1st tab instead of the 2nd

Good morning wonderful automators,

As the title says what i am trying to do is to scrape some text from the 2nd tab of chrome.

The process is the following, the attended robot opens up the 1st chrome tab and then gets a link and opens up the 2nd tab, but when it tries to scrape it it cannot locate the selector as it s still scraping the 1st Tab.

I did scour the forum before posting and unfortunately nothing fits.

Any ideas on how i can uniquely identify the 2nd tab? I am using a wildcard for the title as it always changes.

Also there is no index nor url that i can wildcard.

Hi @Daniel-F ,

When you open new tab, then use Attach Browser activity & highlight new tab.

In Attach Browser activity, write your scrapping logic.

Hope this helps you. :grinning:

Hi @Daniel-F

There was an activity called Activate Indicate any element on the second tab, it will activate the second tab.


Hey and thanks for the reply,

i didnt mention i already have this :

but unfortunately it doesnt do it.

Thank you for the reply.unfortunately it doesnt work,still reads off the 1st tab :(.

Hi @Daniel-F ,

I’m guessing you’ve selector issue then.

@Daniel-F could you show the newly opened tab and selector of any element on that tab…


Here you go:

i have to mention that if i close the 1st tab works, thank you!

You should be storing each tab (Chrome window) object in a variable when you open it. Then you can reference that variable in subsequent attaches so it uses the correct tab.

Thank you everyone for the replies and interest, i did manage to solve it by idx=‘2’ on the 2nd tab and it worked.!

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