🎄 2024 Advent Challenge 3: Smart Holiday Shopping Bot 🎁

:santa: Are you ready for the 3rd Challenge? Ho, ho, ho! :gift:

It’s time to spread holiday cheer and sprinkle some automation magic with our next Advent Challenge of the season! Whether you’re cozied up in a snowy wonderland :snowflake: or dreaming of sandy beaches :desert_island:, this challenge will add a festive twist to your automation journey. :sparkles:

:date: Deadline for Submissions: December 15, 2024, 11:59 PM (your time zone)

This time, your goal is to help Santa with some extra holiday magic… :christmas_tree:

:christmas_tree: How to Join the Festivities?

Create an automation that:

  • Assists holiday shoppers in snagging the best deals!
  • Build a bot that tracks products across multiple e-commerce websites, compares prices, and alerts users when prices drop or discounts become available.

Think you’ve got what it takes to make holiday shopping stress-free? :gift::computer: Show off your automation wizardry and compete for some fantastic UiPath swag!

:tada: Good Luck, Automation Elves! Spread the word, share your creations, and fill this thread with holiday automation magic! :gift: The countdown to a more automated holiday starts NOW! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Ready, set, spread the cheer! :santa::christmas_tree::love_letter:


@lakshman FYI attached image says deadline is 8 Dec.

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Hello everyone,
Any suggestions for SMS api, which can provide cheap sms or free trial.

Twilio, Plivo, or TextMagic (all offer free credits)



Sorry. It’s wrongly mentioned.
Please consider 15th Dec as deadline for submission.

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Hello UiPath Community,

Gentle Remainder. Last 48 hours to submit the solution.


Hello @lakshman, thanks once again for the challenge!

You can find my submission here:
advent-challenge-3.zip (5.6 MB)


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Hello @lakshman,

Its really a very challenging challenge. :fire:

InitAllSettings.xaml (20.4 KB)
Main.xaml (14.8 KB)
ScrapeAmazonData.xaml (31.8 KB)
ScrapeFlipkartData.xaml (45.3 KB)
Sending_Mail.xaml (9.4 KB)

I’m receiving the file size error. So i uploaded in parts.
HTML_Template.txt (2.6 KB)
Main.xaml.json (764 Bytes)
project.json (1.7 KB)
Result.xlsx (11.7 KB)


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Hey @lakshman , Hope you had a nice weekend !

For this challenge, I’ve chosen the approach of asking users to provide URLs of specific products they want to track. The challenge statement does not explicitly mandate an approach, allowing flexibility in implementation. This approach avoids the complexity and potential mess of tracking all products or searching based on generic product names.

That said here is my submission.

  1. Here is the Input Excel

  2. Here is the “Sheet 1” for the Output Excel after the data is scraped. (Note : This sheet is cleared after each run)

  3. Here is the 2nd Sheet for the Output Excel (Note : this one is leveraged to calculate & build SMS body)

  4. Here is the SMS part of it, Utilizing Twilio’s services.

  5. Here’s some sample SMS’s (PS : I liked playing with the message body ;D)

    5.1) Bare Text SMSs

  6. Here are the products I monitor across Flipkart & Amazon.

  7. Here is the project folder.

  8. Attachment
    AdventChallenge3PriceTracker_2024_Harshit.zip (43.9 KB)

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Thank you for the challenge @lakshman

Here is my submission.

PriceTracker.zip (8.1 MB)

Output Email

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Here is my submission for the 3rd challenge.

Input :

Output Log (creates every day):

SMS Alert:


AdventChallenge_3.zip (994.6 KB)

Thank you @lakshman

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:tada: 2024 Advent Challenge – Day 3 Complete! :christmas_tree::sparkles:

Challenge 3: Smart Holiday Shopping Bot :white_check_mark:

:star: This challenge was a perfect blend of creativity and automation! I had the chance to design a smart, efficient, and personalized system to spread the holiday cheer. :gift:

I’m excited for the upcoming challenges and the valuable learning opportunities they’ll bring! :raised_hands:

A big thank you to @lakshman and @loredana_ifrim for this amazing opportunity!

:bulb: Here’s my solution:

AdventChallenge3.zip (986.8 KB)