πŸŽ„ 2024 Advent Challenge 2: Holiday Party RSVP Automation 🎁

Ho, ho, ho! :gift: It’s time to spread holiday cheer and automation magic with our first Advent Challenge of the season! Whether you’re bundled up with snowflakes :snowflake: or daydreaming of palm trees :desert_island:, this challenge will have you sprinkling festive flair into your automation! :sparkles:

:date: Deadline for Submissions: December 9, 2024, 11:59 PM (your time zone)

With this goal is all about helping Santa’s team get ready for the big holiday party by automating the RSVP process. :santa::tada: :star2::gift:

:christmas_tree: How to Join the Festivities?

Build an automation where:

  1. Employees RSVP to the party using a custom UiPath App.
  2. Managers track responses and meal preferences via UiPath Action Center.

Do you have what it takes to make this party planning a breeze? :gift::computer: Show off your automation skills and compete for some awesome UiPath swag!

:tada: Good Luck, Automation Elves! Spread the word, share your creations, and fill this thread with holiday automation magic! :gift: The countdown to a more automated holiday starts NOW! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Ready, set, spread the cheer! :santa::christmas_tree::love_letter:


Advent challenge 2024

1 Like

Few hours left to submit the solution. Please complete it ASAP.


Thank you @lakshman, this one was quite a challenge! :rocket:

Here you can find all the results and codes:
advent-challenge-2.zip (745.3 KB)

A brief summary of the project steps:

  • User Interface: Developed an UiPath App for employees register their name, RSVP and meal preference.
  • Data Logging: Responses are automatically stored in Data Services.
  • Manager Review: Tasks are created in Action Center for managers to review and approve RSVPs.
  • Catering Report: A final report for the catering team can be generated as needed. An additional option in Action Center allows manager to provide the catering team’s email, triggering an unattended automation to send the report directly.



Thank you @lakshman for the challenge. It was really a limit testing one. Lots of learning! :smiley:

Here is my submission:

UiPath App:

An "Employee RSVP for Party" web form with fields for name, email, meal preferences, and buttons to reset, RSVP, and send the response to the catering team. (Captioned by AI)

Action Item approval

Approve Action item

Send consolidated report to the catering team

Send To Catering Team

Output Email

The image shows an email inbox with a new unread email from Policybazaar urging the recipient to renew their policy to avoid challans. (Captioned by AI)

:star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2::star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2::star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:

Source Code:

  1. RSVP_Performer .nuget package
    RSVP_Performer.1.0.5.nupkg (71.6 KB)

  2. Performer Code:
    RSVP_Performer.zip (248.2 KB)

  3. UiPath App:
    Party RSVP.uiapp (290.9 KB)

  4. Entity Schema:
    Employee RSVP Schema.json (2.0 KB)

Cheers!! :star_struck:


:tada: 2024 Advent Challenge – Day 2 Complete! :christmas_tree::sparkles:

Challenge 2: Holiday Party RSVP Automation :white_check_mark:

:star2: This challenge was a delightful fusion of creativity and automation! I had the opportunity to craft a smart, efficient, and personalized system to spread the holiday spirit. :gift:

Looking forward to the next challenges and the exciting learning experiences they’ll bring! :raised_hands:

A heartfelt thanks to @lakshman and @loredana_ifrim for this wonderful opportunity!

:bulb: Check out my solution below:

Holiday Party RSVP_Challenge2.zip (190.0 KB)


Hi @lakshman,

Holiday_Party_RSVP_Automation.zip (2.2 MB)




:tada: 2024 Advent Challenge – 2 ! :christmas_tree::sparkles:

  1. UiPath App adds data to Queue
  2. Performer is simple process which will consume queue items and allow manger to Accept or Reject RSVP, once action submits data is added to excel sheet.
  3. Action Center have checkbox to send email with attachment of all attendees.

*UiPath App:
Advent Challenge 2.uiapp (288.5 KB)

*Performer Project
AdvantChallenge_2.zip (15.9 KB)

*Performer Package
AdvantChallenge_2.nupkg (55.6 KB)

*Queue Schema:
queueSchema.json (530 Bytes)

*Excel to Store Invites
RsvpInvites.xlsx (8.8 KB)


Hello @lakshman, I am apparently the slowest automation elve for this one :laughing: , this one was quite a challenge!
Took quite a few attempts to get it right aesthetically & functionally.

Anyways here is my attempt at Action Apps by UiPath.

  1. UiPath Form

  1. Task Approval

  2. Email

  3. Catering List


  1. User App
    HolidaypartyrsvpbyHarshit (2).uiapp (2.7 MB)

  2. Approval App
    RSVP_Approval.uiapp (2.6 MB)

3)Studio xaml
RSVP_AdventChallenge2.zip (6.4 KB)

  1. Json schema
    Employee RSVP Schema.json (2.0 KB)

Thank for the challenge. Would have not dig so deep without such motivation.

Cheers !