2019.6 Start Jobs API


You need to request this to get the logical name: UiPath

I hope you are missing some steps…

Here are the steps you need to do:

  1. Run the javascript code in the browser, which will give you the Code challenge and Code verifier

  2. Modify the account.uipath.com URL with Code challenge and send a request in the Browser itself. Which will ask you to authenticate with the credentials.
    @@@Important steps is that, you need to pass this URL in browser itself and the browser URL will give you the authorization code

  3. Then you need to send request to https://account.uipath.com/oauth/token with body as in the documentation

  4. There you will get the bearer token.

  5. You need to get the logical name, so again a request for : UiPath
    You will get the name.

  6. with all these, try to send the request again