07/02/2018 15:32:54 Loading asset in_Credential failed: Could not find an asset with this name. Error code: 1002

Hey @ravisha

Check this:-
ReFrameWork.zip (2.3 MB)

Just in config use the credentail name and value

In settings Name column just use System1_Credential and in value define your credential asset name.

found it,

you should have two asset as following:

  1. regarding to your asset name on Config.xlsx, your asset name is “in_Credential” but you not yet create it in the Orchestrator. don’t forget this asset only for not Credential type. I used this asset to store url.
  2. regarding to GetAppCredentials.xaml, you set hardcodely assetname as “System1_Credentials” but your asset Credential on orchestrator is “in_Config”. so, you need rename your asset on Orchestartor to be “System1_Credentials”.

ask me if you don’t understand


Hi Rahmat,
No luck… i have done modifications like this.

getting below exceptions.

Loading asset in_Credential failed: Could not find an asset with this name. Error code: 1002

okay… if i upload the program as my assignment, can i succeed or not.

Hi Ravisha,

as I said as No. 1, Asset in the excel is not suppose for the Credential Type. What you need is just Create two Asset,

  1. Asset Value ( return value)
  2. Asset Credential. (return username and password)

first, in excel, you need to remove System1_Credentials and change to “System1_URL” then create asset “System1_URL” as text type in the Orchestrator. value is URL.

second, just create a new asset as “System1_Credentials” as Credential type in the Orchestrator.

Remember, you must have two asset “System1_URL” and “System1_Credential”.

tell me what the output.

Hi @ravisha,

how is it going?

Hi rahmat,
am engaged with other work. so i haven’t check that activity.
will update the result once am done.

Hi Rahmat,

  1. where i need to create the asset value and asset Cred…

  2. After creating system1_credentials and system1_URL,

result: same error occurs.

You need to create both on the Orchestrator.

I tried to use your workflow with the changes suggested but it throws “wrong credentials” error and then executes send email workflow.
Can you please check?

What is the error on the console?
Did the page load after login?
Was the bot able to sign you in with the credentials that you have in your asset?

When I run only System1_login.xaml the error is : “open browser : value does not fall within the expected range”
But when I run the main it is logging into the website.

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have you set the variables to a default value?
Like url and in_SystemURL?

In Name column i have “System1_URL” and in value https://acme-test.uipath.com

In the open browser activity I have written in_system1_URL

No, not config.
If you are running it independently then the config is not loaded as no init happens

So for that in the workflow variables/arguments you need to set default values

That means I have to provide the url against system1_URL manually to test it.

Yes, when you test it independently all in arguments have to be specified along with static variables


Thanks @nadim.warsi

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can you help me please to check the errors of System1_Login Assign 1

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can you send me your file so that i can have a look?